Article XI Scholarship
Section 1. The Association shall make available one or more Scholarship Awards to be presented on an annual basis at the June meeting of the Association.
Section 2. Eligibility - Scholarships shall be awarded to sons and daughters of Association members who have resided in the Commonwealth of Virginia and have belonged to the active membership of the Association for not less than 2 years prior to the meeting at which their child's scholarship is awarded. For the purpose of Scholarship Awards, membership in the Association shall be defined as having paid State and Richmond Association dues prior to June 1 for two years.
Section 3. Of the Scholarships awarded annually, a total of least $1500 will be awarded to a student or students for an undergraduate program. $1000 of this amount shall be funded principally from the proceeds of the Association's annual directory. Otherwise, the amounts of this and any other Scholarship shall be set by the Executive Committee. If no Scholarship Candidate applies in a given year, no scholarship shall be awarded for that year.
Section 4. Funds must be payable to the college or university within 90 days of the meeting at which they are awarded.
Section 5. No member of the Association shall be permitted to participate in the selection of the Scholarship winners. Such winners must be selected solely by judges chosen from the field of Academic Education by the Scholarship Committee.
Section 6. Applications for the Scholarship Award must contain the following information and shall be reviewed as received: a) Name of parent; b) Name and address of applicant (Candidate); c) Applicant's date of birth; d) Name and address of college or university selected and the degree program; e) A personal letter from the applicant explaining why the applicant should be selected; f) Two letters of recommendation from faculty members of the college or school which the applicant has most recently attended; and g) The applicant's grades for at least the last year of attendance.
Section 7. Applications must be delivered to the President or the Scholarship Committee no later than the March Association meeting in the year of the award. Alternatively, applications may be mailed to the Richmond Claims Association, P.O. Box 6714, Richmond, VA 23230. Such mailings must be postmarked not less than two days prior to the aforementioned March meeting.
Section 8. The Scholarship Committee must obtain written certification from the President and Treasurer as to whether a parent of the applicant qualified under the eligibility requirements of Section 2 above.
Section 9. The recipient and parents are requested to be present at the time of the award.
Section 10. In addition to scholarship funding generated by the Association's earnings, the Executive Committee shall have the authority to accept any additional contributions from individuals or companies to be used solely for Association scholarships. Interest earned upon such contributions shall remain with the scholarship funds. |